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6 Pantry Essentials for Baking

If you're new to baking from scratch, there are many ingredients with which you'll be working. Many of these are stored in a pantry closet, kitchen cabinet or your countertop (and not your refrigerator). Let’s explore the six essential Pantry items that you will always want to have on-hand for baking!

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slice of apple pie next to a green apple



This is the primary ingredient in most baking recipes! There are a few different types of flour, but the most common type is all purpose flour. If you're baking a cake, your recipe may call for cake flour. If you're baking bread, your recipe may call for bread flour. You can find many different types of flour at the grocery store. If you have a sensitivity to gluten, gluten-free flour options are also available. If you're doing a lot of baking you will go through flour very quickly, so it's always best to have at least one pack of all-purpose flour on hand!



This is the second most common ingredient in baking recipes. Sugar, like flour, comes in a few different varieties. If you if bake often, make sure that you have a pack of granulated sugar and brown sugar in your pantry at the very least. You can find brown sugar in “light brown” and “dark brown” varieties, with a dark brown sugar usually producing a richer molasses-like flavor. Keeping powdered sugar on hand will also be helpful. You may not use it as frequently for baking, but it is a major ingredient in making American-style buttercream frosting for cakes and cupcakes and simple glazes to drizzle over baked goods.



The next pantry essential you'll want to have on hand is baking powder. This ingredient is a chemical leavening that interacts with other baking ingredients and traps carbon dioxide gas during the baking process. Baking powder won't be used as frequently as flour and sugar, but be sure to stock up if you notice that you are running low!



Make sure that you also have baking soda in your pantry. Baking soda (also known as sodium bicarbonate) is also a chemical leavening ingredient which specifically interacts with acidic ingredients in your baking recipe. Because it is about four times more powerful than baking powder, most baking recipes require only a small amount. There are many household uses for baking soda, so be sure to keep a box in your pantry only for baking.

woman sprinkling sugar over a loaf



You’ll want to have vanilla extract on hand! Most baking recipes call for at least a half teaspoon of vanilla, so you'll never want to run out of it. You can find it at the grocery store, but of all of the ingredients mentioned so far, vanilla extract is typically the most expensive. In the United States you can expect to spend at least at least $5 for a two fluid ounce bottle of vanilla! If you find that you use a lot of it, making your own vanilla extract may be an option to consider. It’s very easy to do with only two ingredients: extract-grade vanilla beans and high-proof alcohol. The only downside is your DIY vanilla extract may not be ready for several months.



This is a bonus item! Because it’s salty, it doesn’t immediately come to mind. However, most baking recipes require a small amount of salt to enhance the overall sweetness of the baked item. Iodized salt (also known as table salt), fine sea salt and Kosher salt will be used most frequently. Just like baking soda, salt is frequently used outside of baking (mainly for cooking), so you’ll want to keep an eye on your pantry to make sure to stock up if you start to run low!



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